Dakotafest audience hears carbon pipeline critics, proponents

via AgWeek
August 17, 2022

“…The South Dakota Farm Bureau hosted an educational panel on the first day of the Dakotafest farm show in Mitchell, South Dakota, on the topic of the proposed Summit Pipeline.

“…A packed audience of farmers applauded loudest after the measured but concerned comments from Jay Poindexter, a cattleman and farmer from from Ree Heights, South Dakota. The Farm Bureau added Poindexter to the program after landowners had expressed concerns that opposition to the pipeline was being excluded.

Poindexter said he and his sister, as well as neighbors, started receiving letters about surveying in July 2021. Land agents were persistent to let them on the land, but their insurance company declined to cover their liability from a pipeline because of a “pollution exclusion rule.” Poindexter said some land agents have told some landowners they would take the land by eminent domain, where the government expropriates private property for public use, with payment of compensation.

“They should be working on finding willing sellers, not resigning sellers,” he said.




Landowner attorney tells South Dakota that Summit's pipeline application should be thrown out